Holistic Healing
| "He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope has everything." -- Arabian Proverb
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Are you an active participant in your own health? Holistic health takes a "whole" approach to the human body, instead of focusing on just one part. This philosophy of healing views physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of life as being closely interconnected. Instead of simply trying to address the symptoms through prescription drugs and other invasive methods, a holistic approach attempts to get to the root cause. It requires that you become a partner in your own healing.
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| Get Back to Business! - Tips for Preventing Back Strain
By Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
It is hard to take care of business when your back is hurting! A backache can certainly slow you down and put a wrench in your daily plans. Here are some tips to prevent back strain:
Dear Dr. Terri K: Lately, my stomach has been bothering me, and I think I may have IBS. I do love sweets, and I know I need to be careful and watch what I eat. I am always running to the restroom (diarrhea/bloody). Can you share with me a natural approach to improve my stomach problems? - LO
Lo: First, congratulations for wanting to take control of your health. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common digestive disorder seen by physicians. Twice as many women suffer from the condition as men. Here are some basic lifestyle suggestions:
- Eat a high-fiber diet. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables, plus whole grains (especially brown rice). Limit the consumption of gas-producing foods such as beans and broccoli.
- Avoid high-stress foods. This includes animal fats, sugar, processed and fried foods, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. These foods prevent the uptake of nutrients and can irritate the linings of the stomach and colon.
- Supplement with anti-inflammatory and cleansing herbs. Beneficial herbs include peppermint, burdock root, red clover, alfalfa, chamomile, fenugreek, ginger, pau d'arco, rose hips and slippery elms. These can be taken in tea or capsule form. Aloe vera is also healing to the digestive tract.
- Develop good eating habits. Chew your food well. Do not overeat or eat in a hurry. Do not eat right before going to bed. Wait one or two hours after eating before lying down.
- Keep a food diary. Write down what you eat and how you feel afterwards. You may begin to see patterns - when you eat certain foods, your body reacts in a particular way. Your body knows best; you simply have to listen to it.
- Make water your drink of choice. Drink a minimum of eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Water works as a cleansing agent for the body.
- Practice deep breathing exercises. Shallow breathing reduces the oxygen available for proper bowel function.
- See a physician. Share all of your symptoms with the doctor. He/she will most likely perform a colonoscopy to rule out other disorders such as Crohn's disease and colon cancer. Don't be afraid of the exam. Drinking the prep solution is worse than the actual procedure. Also, check for food allergies.
Honor your body. Today, take control of your health. Use the power of choice to change your lifestyle. You can make it happen. Start Power Living® today!
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Dear Dr. Terri K: Do you have any natural suggestions for Adult ADD? My doctor suggested yoga. I've also heard that certain foods can help. - ANNA, New York
Anna: First, congratulations for seeking an integrative approach to your healing! Remember that any treatment should only be considered and tried under the careful supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Here are some suggestions:
Exercise Regularly - Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise (such as running or biking) 3-5 times per week to improve your general health. It may balance production of neurotransmitters and reduce stress levels.
Practice Yoga - Yoga has been found to be helpful for ADD because it combines physical activity with self-awareness, which promotes a mind-body connection that many ADDers lack. The combination of breathing techniques, asanas (postures), deep relaxation and meditation can help you feel calm, centered, and in control.
Eat Smart Food - Think of your diet as feeding the brain rather than the stomach. Follow a high-protein diet. Also include fruits and vegetables, cold-water fish and natural whole grains. Limit dairy products. Remove all forms of refined sugars and all foods that contain artificial colors, flavorings, monosodium glutamate (MSG), yeast, preservatives or salicylates.
Include Specific Supplements - Add calcium and magnesium, Vitamin B complex, Quercetin and Essential fatty acids to your diet.
Try Natural Herbs - Herbs that may be beneficial for hyperactivity include valerian root, catnip, chamomile, kava kava, skullcap, and St. John's wort. Ginkgo biloba may be helpful for brain function and concentration.
Today, take control of your mind and body. It starts with the Power of Choice!
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I am healthy and balanced.
I am an active partner in my healing. I listen to the wisdom of my body and choose positive thoughts to support my system. I understand that optimum health is about balance - a state where my body operates efficiently and my mind is alert, so that my spirit may soar.
I am healthy and balanced.
Listen to the Affirmation:
Do you have questions about managing a specific stressful situation? Are you confused about certain foods or herbs? Do you need some insights regarding a career shift and discovering your Purpose? Then... Ask Dr. Terri K. Email your questions to askdrterrik@power-living.com. If you still desire on-going, individualized attention, then try out our one-on-one coaching. For more information, email coaching@power-living.com or call 212.901.6913.
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