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| A Vision of Success by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
Have you ever met someone who reeks of success? I'm not just talking about her bank account. When she walks in the room, she glows with health and happiness. When she speaks, she exudes confidence and personal style. When she discusses her work, you can feel her passion and commitment. When she is with her mate, you can sense deep love and trust. When you visit her home, it feels like you are stepping into a sanctuary. Her whole being reflects attributes of success. It's like she uncovered the ancient secrets of life. It's apparent that she is living her divine destiny.
Man or woman, whatever your current age or profession...
YOU can be that person!
Learn about the Power Living Principles.
Read the latest inspiration and PWR Tips on our blog.
NEW: First book in Spanish...
¿Qué promesas obligatorias has hecho contigo mismo? ¿Cuales son tus "absolutos" – las cosas que debes hacerAunque hayas llegado tan lejos como para entender tu propósito o visión de vida, tus pensamientos y hábitos básicos aú para vivir una vida más llena de proposito y poder? n pueden estorbar en el camino de alcanzarlos. La Promesa de Power Living es una afirmación que simplemente nos recuerda de cómo ser. Es una promesa a tu Ser para vivir cada día una vida llena de propósito y poder.
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Aprenda más y compre el libro.
BOOK: The NEW Seven-Day PWR Detox book has been greatly enhanced from the original e-program, and has two additional chapters to help you create a healthy lifestyle. It includes:
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- the latest research on toxins - things you must know to live a disease-free life
- planning and shopping guide, including "convenience options" for those who don't want to juice or cook
- suggested meal plan with recipes and daily log
- explanation of skin cleansing via dry skin brushing and hydrotherapy
- instructions on simple yoga poses and breathing techniques
- additional support through suggestions on space clearing, journaling, affirmations, meditation, and visualization
- an "after day 7" plan for sustainable and green living
Find out more...
NOTE: On Monday, January 10th, Dr. Terri Kennedy will be leading a free teleclass to answer questions regarding the Seven-Day PWR Detox. Sign up for the call-in information and join others on the blog as we do the PWR Detox for the New Year. Find out more.
click to find out more |
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