"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." -- T.S. Eliot
Our self-guided programs are designed to help you create habits of success and realize true PWR® - Purpose With Results® at your own pace. You may want to start off with the Seven-Day PWR® Detox to gain energy and focus. Then, possibly move on to the 40 Days to Power Living® to get the framework for crafting your most authentic and powerful life. If stress, food habits, or work are causing immediate challenges, you may go directly to our one-on-one coaching or create your own group coaching program. Start from where you are right now. The key is to begin!
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Seven-Day PWR® Detox
Are you looking to jumpstart your weight loss or personal transformation process? Could you benefit from more energy? Do you want to boost your metabolism and support your body's natural healing processes? Your body does a lot of work to keep you functioning. Why don't you give your body a break and allow it to detoxify itself? Join us for this seven-day guided detoxification program.
40 Days to Power Living®: How to Think, Eat & Live on Purpose
Are you ready to reshape your mind, body and spirit so that you can think, eat and live on Purpose? Use the power of 40 days to charge your spiritual, mental, physical, emotional and environmental energy. Learn how to craft your divinely appointed life from the inside out. Join us for this transformational program.
click to find out more |
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