#2: Tune your Mind to the Positive
| "A smile is the beginning of peace." -- Mother Teresa
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Tune your Mind to the Positive, the second principle of Power Living®, has to do with tuning your mental energy to create positive manifestations, achieve focus and spur inspiration. It prompts you to ask the questions:
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- What mental radio station am I listening to?
- Do I usually expect the best or the worst?
- Would I talk to my best friend the way I talk to myself?
We all have that tape in the head - it can be your friend encouraging you to achieve your dreams, or your worst enemy holding you back from your own greatness. In the Power Living® Practice, we share various ways to align your mental energy, from affirmations and raising your awareness about your own self-talk through language audits and fundamental reading, to teaching you how to work smart and stay focused.
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