Alliance with AHA/ASA
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is... what are you doing for others?" -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Dr. Terri Kennedy is honored to serve as National Spokesperson for the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Through an alliance between Power Living Enterprises, Inc. and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, we are also contributing the entire force of Power Living, as a company, to inspire others to take action against cardiovascular disease. We are committed to spread the word through educational events, our newsletter, the media and participation in advocacy initiatives.
Join us for this cause!
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Message from Dr. Terri Kennedy |
Help us save lives. Someone in your life will be or has been affected by heart disease and/or stroke. Both are life-and-death emergencies and can have fatal consquences, as well as be devastating to the family.
I've lost many loved ones to cardiovascular disease. My paternal grandfather, two aunts and two uncles died of heart disease and two other uncles recently had bypass surgery. My maternal grandfather died of a stroke and my father had a series of mini-strokes. In fact, my dad was known around the world as a pioneer in Communications and Theatre, and was called "Mr. Speech" in the 1950s. However, for the last two months of his life, he could not speak. It was painful to watch and, I'm sure, for him to experience.
Coronary heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death and a leading cause of serious disability. That's why it's so important to reduce your risk factors, know the warning signs, and know how to respond quickly and properly if warning signs occur. You can also save a life by inspiring others to be aware and take action.
The American Heart Association's impact goal is to reduce coronary heart disease, stroke and risk by 25 percent by 2010. Join us by raising awareness in your community, recruiting others to take the pledge and help conduct activities such as education workshops, screenings, cooking demonstrations and fitness assessments. Be an advocate for heart disease and stroke research and prevention.
You're the Cure! You Have The Power!
With Purpose & Power,
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The first step is to educate yourself. How knowledgable are you when it comes to your own risk factors? Do you know your own family history? Do you know your numbers - blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, BMI, etc.? Would you be able to recognize if you were having a heart attack or a stroke? Would you know what to do?
Read more about Heart Health and Stroke Prevention.
Get the facts. Knowledge IS Power!
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You have the power to fight stroke — and win! By following these three simple steps, you can help protect yourself against stroke.
Reduce your chances of having a stroke by learning the risk factors and working with your doctor to help reduce your risk.
Recognize the warning signs of a stroke. Stroke is a medical emergency. Every second counts!
- Respond by calling 9-1-1 immediately if you or someone close to you is having warning signs of stroke. Then check the time. When did the first symptom start? You’ll be asked this important question later.
All you have to do is take the Power To End Stroke Pledge to prevent and overcome stroke.
Download Involvement Form |
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The American Heart Association’s Search Your Heart program is a community-based educational program/tool to reach high-risk audiences. Statistics show that African-Americans and Hispanics/Latinos have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease than Caucasians and are less aware of their cardiovascular risk factors. The prevalence of high blood pressure in African Americans in the United States is the highest in the world. Blacks have almost twice the risk of first-ever strokes and higher death rates for stroke compared to whites.
Search Your Heart delivers knowledge and action steps to encourage people to act upon this knowledge and reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke. The Search Your Heart educational program is divided into three sections: Heart Disease and Stroke Education, Nutrition and Physical Activity. If you like to speak in front of groups, and/or have the ability to distribute information to groups of people, then become a Search Your Heart site.
We invite you to become a Search Your Heart site!
Download Involvement Form |
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Power to End Stroke needs your help to bring awareness to the African-American community about blacks and stroke and save lives in the future.
If you are a:
- Business leader in your community...
- Concerned healthcare professional...
- Volunteer who believes in the heart health of the African-American community...
- Leader in your community faith-based organization...
- Director of a community center, clinic or social services center...
We invite you to become an Ambassador for the Power To End Stroke campaign and share your power to make a difference!
Download Involvement Form |
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Be a part of the cure. Be an advocate
You don’t have to be a doctor to save lives. Just be willing to deliver a lifesaving message to public officials whenever you can. You’re the Cure when you speak up for vital research funding. Or when you advocate for public policies that advance the fight against heart disease and stroke. That’s why You’re the Cure, a nationwide network of people dedicated to finding a cure for heart disease and stroke, needs your talent and time — now!
Download Involvement Form |
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If you have any questions at all about how to get involved, call us at 212.901.6913 or email For more information on the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, go to
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click to find out more |
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