| "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." -- T.S. Eliot
The Power Living® Practice can benefit all areas of your life - from your work environment to your personal relationships. It is mindset and indeed a style of living. Our services can help you as an individual, as well as your employees, clients, patients and/or association. Our process and programs are designed to inspire and inform, helping each participant create habits of success and realize true PWR® - Purpose With Results®. If you are representing a company, you may want to tap into our speaking or corporate programs. As an individual, you may want to start off with the Seven-Day PWR® Detox to gain energy and focus. Then, possibly move on to the 40 Days to Power Living® to get the framework for crafting your most authentic and powerful life. If stress, food habits, or work are causing immediate challenges, you may go directly to our one-on-one coaching or create your own group coaching program. Start from where you are right now. The key is to begin!
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Do you want to power up your next event? As a Harvard-MBA-trained executive and lifestyle expert with a Ph.D. in World Religions, Dr. Terri Kennedy has been called on to lead personal development workshops, conference keynotes, panel discussions, breakout sessions and retreats for a variety of corporations, business associations, and other groups - from Harvard Business School and the Essence Leadership Summit to the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health.
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Corporate Training
Would you like to expand your corporate training offerings? We can customize a program for you. Worksite training programs that combine professional development with personal development offerings give you a better return on your human resource investment. From executive coaching and leadership training to stress management and peak performance programs, we can tailor a corporate package specifically to meet your needs and the needs of your employees.
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| One-on-One Coaching
Are you looking to jumpstart your personal transformation process? Could you benefit from more energy? Are you an entrepreneur who needs help in taking your business to the next level? Do you want ongoing individual guidance from someone focused solely on your success? We craft solutions that fit your current state of being while helping you evolve to the next level. Our One-on-One Coaching is entirely customized to your needs.
Small Group Workshops
Do you want the benefit of coaching at a reduced price? Do you have something you want to accomplish with a partner or small group of friends or associates? Using the approach of the One-on-One Coaching and the principles of Power Living® as the context, our Group Coaching is entirely customized to your needs. You pull together the group and decide what you want to accomplish. We'll then set the schedule and agenda. We can cover a variety of personal and business topics for groups of 2 to 12 people.
| Expert Commentary
Dr. Terri Kennedy has contributed to and been featured in media around the world, from O: The Oprah Magazine, Yoga Journal, The New York Times and Prevention to CNN, NBC's Today in New York, Fox TV News, Smart Woman TV and ARD TV in Germany. She appeals to wellness, women's, urban and business audiences of all backgrounds, ages and ethnicities.
Find out more...
Ta Yoga Classes
Do you feel like your life is a bit out of control? Is your work-life balance off-kilter? Do you want to heighten your focus and learn how to de-compress? Do you want to increase your flexibility and strength? Do you want to learn how to breathe deeply and meditate? A yoga class may help. Ta Yoga is a flowing high-energy style of yoga designed to develop strength, enhance muscle tone, increase flexibility, improve focus, induce relaxation, and build self-confidence.
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| Power Living® Newsletter
Every month, we send out the Power Living® Newsletter - which is packed with inspiration, PWR® tips, useful news and networking opportunities.
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