| "The future depends on what we do in the present." -- Gandhi
Seven-Day PWR Detox: Cleanse your Body, Mind & Spirit While Living Your Daily Life is designed to help you clear away the physical, mental, emotional and environmental clutter that may be weighing you downm so you can take control of your life. From a body standpoint, it focuses on nutritious juices and whole foods you can find you your grocery and/or health food store. It is not about deprivation or starvation. There are no expensive detoxification formulas to buy. The core elements of the program include:
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- the latest research on toxins - things you must know to live a disease-free life
- planning and shopping guide, including "convenience options" for those who don't want to juice or cook
- suggested meal plan with recipes and daily log
- explanation of skin cleansing via dry skin brushing and hydrotherapy
- instructions on simple yoga poses and breathing techniques
- additional support through suggestions on space clearing, journaling, affirmations, meditation, and visualization
- an "after day 7" plan for sustainable and green living
40 Days to Power Living: How to Think, Eat & Live on Purpose is designed to help you reshape you mind, body and spirit so that you can think, eat and live on Purpose! Learn how to craft your divinely appointed life... from the inside out. Use the power of 40 days to charge your spiritual, mental, physical, emotional and environmental energy. Learn how to:
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The Power Living Pledge: An Affirmation for a Purposeful & Powerful Life can help you stay on track with the Power Living Practice. It encapsulates all of the principles of Power Living into one affirmation that can be repeated every day as a reminder of how to live. Each section of the 20-line affirmation is explained. This 60-page small-format book also acts as a PWR Book - designed to include your personal mission, core values, favorite quotes, mood-changers, a list of your PWR Foods, and other essentials. It makes a great gift and introduction to Power Living and/or reinforcement if you're already familiar with the principles. Perfect for groups to use as a centering and motivational tool.
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¿Qué promesas obligatorias has hecho contigo mismo? ¿Cuales son tus "absolutos" – las cosas que debes hacerAunque hayas llegado tan lejos como para entender tu propósito o visión de vida, tus pensamientos y hábitos básicos aú para vivir una vida más llena de proposito y poder? n pueden estorbar en el camino de alcanzarlos. La Promesa de Power Living es una afirmación que simplemente nos recuerda de cómo ser. Es una promesa a tu Ser para vivir cada día una vida llena de propósito y poder.
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Power Living: Mini-Escapes CD is a 70-minute Guided Relaxation Program. Whether you are on a crowded train, in the doctor's office, at home, or at work, this program will calm the body and mind, allowing you to take a vacation from your busy life. From breath awareness to visualization to meditation to affirmations, these 3 to 12 minute "mini-escapes" will provide you with instant relaxation. The underlying music blends a range of water and chimes with a slow temp to synch with your heartbeat. Treat yourself, family, friends and employees to the gift of relaxation. Appropriate for the corporate environment.
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