Your Own Biz
| "I draw circles and sacred boundaries about me;
fewer and fewer climb with me up higher and higher mountains.
I am building a mountain chain out of ever-holier mountains." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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Do you want to build a thriving business and a successful life? It's possible! We each have a longing to express our divinity. For some, that means being our own boss. Whether you are a full-time business owner or have a small venture on the side, entrepreneurship can be both rewarding and challenging. Learning how to pace yourself and remain focused are keys to long-term sustainability.
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| Plan to Succeed with Ease - Tips on Pacing Yourself
By Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
Starting and running a business can often be stressful. However, there are ways to minimize the tension if you plan ahead and stay present. Here are a few things to think about:
- Be sure you're following your passion. The first step to being a success is to do what you love. Your passion will be a source of energy and fuel your progress. When there is a motivating WHY the HOW becomes easier. When there is a motitvating WHY the stress becomes less.
- Keep the larger vision in view. As you work on the nuts and bolts of daily operations, remember where you're going. If something does not fit that vision, then say "No." Some things which seem like opportunities may actually be distractions.
- Multitask strategically. Take a networking break and have tea with a potential customer/client/supplier, etc. Exercise and listen to a motivational tape. Make every commute productive. Then, focus fully when you really need to be present.
- Build a personal Board of Directors. Particularly if you are working by yourself, it is important to have a circle of support - people who are truly on your side and can give you objective advice. Check in with them regularly.
- Take "mini-escapes" throughout the day. Take a break every 90 minutes for peak productivity. Get out and take a walk. Do some chair yoga. Read some affirmations. Call a friend (who won't talk too long!). Schedule time for exercise just as you would an important meeting. Most of all, have some fun during the day even if it is just for a few moments.
- Review your choices. Every evening take time to assess the day to see if you are on plan. If you made a choice which may lead you off course, then see if you can self-correct. Be accountable to yourself. And, congratulate yourself for the successes - no matter how small. Have a bottle of sparkling apple cider already chilled!
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Dear Dr. Terri K: I have finally decided that I must leave the corporate world to pursue my dream of having my own business. Currently, I am a marketing executive for a large media company. I've done well, but my heart is not in it anymore. My passion has always been baking. I want to start a line of healthy snacks. I have been cooking on the side, and everyone always enjoys what I make. I just don't know how to make the transition. Where should I start? - JULIE, Los Angeles, CA
Julie: First, congratulations on having the desire to pursue your passion! Here are some basic guidelines to ease your transition:
- Write down your vision. The first step in turning your dream into reality is to write it down. A plan allows you to hone in on your direction and the specific steps that will get you there. Know what you are doing and whom you are targeting. Make sure there is a real need. The great thing about your passion is that out society needs more healthy food choices. Look at what is already out there and then find your niche.
- Create a realistic budget. Know that it will always take longer and cost more than you originally planned, so add some buffer. Understand your personal “burn rate” – what you need to live, as well as what it will take to operate the business. Start saving investment money right now (which is different than your retirement dollars, etc.). Plan on keeping your overhead low, and living below your means.
- Test the waters. If possible, build clientele before you leave your job. Gauge the market. See what will sell and what will not. Once you leave, you should already have a base of consumers who can cover your basic expenses.
- Maximize your corporate benefits. If you can take classes to further your credentials and have the company pay for them, go for it. Use all possible benefits. Also, if you are looking to buy property, do it before you leave your steady income.
- Prepare yourself and loved ones. Your lifestyle is going to change drastically. Make sure you are ready to spend a large percent of your energy on your new business, and that your family is aware of the upcoming change.
- Leave gracefully. Once you are ready to leave you corporate job, say goodbye gracefully. Keep close contact with colleagues. See if you can turn your soon-to-be former employer into a client.
It all starts with the Power of Choice. Make a choice today to Live on Purpose, not just simply with purpose. That will be your path to prosperity. You can make it happen. Start Power Living® Today!
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Do you have questions about managing a specific stressful situation? Are you confused about certain foods or herbs? Do you need some insights regarding a career shift and discovering your Purpose? Then... Ask Dr. Terri K. Email your questions to If you still desire on-going, individualized attention, then try out our one-on-one coaching. For more information, email or call 212.901.6913.
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