Natural Beauty
| "I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful." -- Unknown
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Are you allowing your natural beauty to shine through? No matter what product you use or procedure you receive, at the end of the day beauty truly does come from the inside. What you eat, how you sleep, what you drink and how you think - all affect how you look. Below are some tips to help you enhance what is naturally yours.
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Feed your Mane - Eat your way to Healthy Hair!
By Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
Did you think you could sneak in that pint of Haagen-Dazs and nobody would notice? Well, your mane just might tell a story you'd rather keep to yourself. What you eat is reflected in the health of your hair. No hair products can compensate for a messy diet or inadequate nutrition. The protein in the ice cream has some redeeming value, but the sugar will zap the life out of your tresses. If you want a healthy head of hair then start with a healthy diet. Here are the basics:
- Protein. Protein is the first must-have. Almost 97% of your hair is made of something called keratin, which is mainly a protein. If you consume too little protein, your hair is likely to become dry and flat. The growth cycle may also slow down, going into a resting phase causing the hair to shed. Seek to eat around 55 to 65 grams of low-fat protein every day. Good sources are beans, egg whites, dairy, fish, chicken, soy, nuts and seeds.
- Vegetables. For smooth, shiny hair, make sure you eat leafy green vegetables. In addition, include a rainbow of carrots, radish, beets and broccoli. To make it even more delicious and effective, add some fresh herbs such as basil, mint and cilantro. The iron, fiber, silica and selenium in many of these foods will support healthy hair growth.
- Fruits. To get more vitamins and antioxidants, eat a variety of fruits that are in season. Berries, citrus fruits, melons and raisins are particularly good for the hair.
- Whole Grains. The fiber, complex carbohydrates and B vitamins from whole grains are an essential source of energy to aid in hair growth. Focus on grains such as brown rice or whole wheat pasta. Combine whole grain rice with beans to make a complete protein.
Next time you're going for that pint, make a protein fruit smoothie instead. Your hair and your waistline will thank you!
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Dear Dr. Terri K: I notice you have been doing a lot of beauty-related events lately. Do you have any natural beauty tips you can share? - SANDY, New York
Sandy: First, thank you staying up with our events! Here are some suggestions I shared from the recent event for W Magazine and Clarins Beauty:
Choose Premium Fuel - Eat variety in season. Avoid processed foods and saturated fats. Include: Protein - legumes, poultry, eggs, sunflower seeds; Antioxidants - berries, oranges, kale, purple cabbage; Essential Fats - salmon, almonds, walnuts, flaxseed; Calcium - green leafy vegetables, molasses, yogurt; and The A, B, Cs - carrots, whole grains, tomatoes.
Hydrate your Cells - Drink a minimum of eight 8 oz. glasses of pure water a day. Water clears the system of all toxins and keeps the blood free from impurities.
Make Sleep Sacred - Develop a sleep ritual. Get at least 7.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Stay away from caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at 4 - 6 hours before bed.
Proactively Manage Stress - Practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing. Take time for self-care. Combine exercise with play. Calm the mind with meditation and yoga.
Be Yourself - Real beauty celebrates individuality. Take time to discover your authentic Self. When you feel good about yourself, you will project your own inner light.
It's been said that, "People are like stained-glass windows - the true beauty can be seen only when there is light from within." Today, let the light of your soul shine through. Then, you will truly be beautiful!
- T
I am beautiful.
My beauty comes from within. I am an expression of the Divine and can't help but shine. I enhance my natural state by taking care of my body and feeding my mind with positive thoughts. I love and appreciate my Self right now.
I am beautiful.
Listen to the Affirmation:
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- Natural Products Association - Founded in 1936, the National Products Association is the largest and oldest non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to the natural products industry. This part of the website talks about the NPA's Natural Seal for personal care products - which indicates the product follows a set of guidelines for what is "natural."
- Skin Deep - Skin Deep is a safety guide to cosmetics and personal care products created by researchers at the Environmental Working Group.
- Consumer Reports Greener Choices - On this site, Consumer Reports provides a personal care products buying guide to help you make green and healthy choices.
- EcoLabels - Also brought to you by Consumer Reports, this part of their allows you to find out what the labels (e.g. "organic," "natural," "free-range," "Fair Trade Certified") on your favorite products really mean. You can search by product, category, or certifier, and easily compare labels using the Consumer Reports report cards.
Do you have questions about managing a specific stressful situation? Are you confused about certain foods or herbs? Do you need some insights regarding a career shift and discovering your Purpose? Then... Ask Dr. Terri K. Email your questions to If you still desire on-going, individualized attention, then try out our one-on-one coaching. For more information, email or call 212.901.6913.
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