Integrative Nutrition
| "To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts." -- Thoreau
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Are you allowing food to work for you? Integrative nutrition is an approach to energy management which integrates the best of different dietary perspectives and mind-body-spirit practices. It is open to theories from the East to the West, from ancient to modern. The primary goal is to find out what fuels YOU and allows your body to thrive.
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| Go (Coco)Nuts! - The Benefits of Coconut Water
By Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
In tropical countries, millions of people drink coconut water straight from the coconut. Coconut water is not the same as coconut milk. Coconut milk is the results of steeping grated coconut flesh from the dry coconut in hot water then straining, whereas coconut water is the liquid found inside the tender young green coconut. Here are some facts on this natural superdrink:
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I believe that the food you choose should taste delicious and have a function. This is one reason why I love smoothies. If you plan ahead, they can be a very quick option for breakfast, a snack or dessert, and can pack a punch in terms of nutrients. You can add all sorts of healthy items such as rice or whey protein, powdered vitamins, flaxseed oil, lecithin and wheat germ. You can often throw all of the ingredients in the blender and it's ready in a moment. One of my favorites concoctions, which doubles as an anti-inflammatory cocktail, is the Pina-Colada below.
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Ingredients: (serves 1 or 2)
1/2 cup 100% coconut water 1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped 1 ripe banana, frozen 1/4 inch slice of fresh ginger
If you want additional protein and acidophilus, then add 1/2 cup of kiefer or plain yogurt. Blend together and enjoy!
Dear Dr. Terri K: Hello. Starting this New Year, I've recommitted myself to my health. I work out 4 times a week (which includes Cardio, weights and yoga). I don't eat beef or pork but love chicken, fish and tofu. I'm looking to create a simple eating plan that will allow for enough protein and carbs to keep me going. What do you recommend? Thank you - CT
CT: First, congratulations on committing to life! Here are some simple guidelines to keep you on track:
- Eat a balanced breakfast. Focus on a mix of low-fat protein, such as yogurt, and complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads.
- Stay alert with a protein-rich lunch. Choose 3-4 ounces of poultry (without skin), fish or beans.
- Graze. Eat small amounts throughout the day to keep your energy levels and mood constant.
- Replenish macronutrients after your workout. After a cardio session, eat a fibrous carbohydrate, such as a yam, fruit salad, yogurt, brown rice, beans, or peanut butter. After weight training, eat a carb/protein combo such as potato and chicken or fish, a protein shake with a banana and nonfat or soy milk, or egg whites and toast.
- Make water your drink of choice. Water can help control your appetite and works as a cleansing agent for your body.
- Don't eat two to three hours before bed. If you must have a bedtime snack, eat a tryptophan-containing food such as a banana, or a carbohydrate-rich snack like dry cereal.
Continued Success!
- T
I honor my body.
I view my body as the temple of my soul by choosing foods that are nourishing and whole. I understand that what works for one person, may not work for another. I know that my body has wisdom and tells me what it truly wants. I take time to listen and understand what fuels me.
I honor my body.
Listen to the Affirmation:
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Do you have questions about managing a specific stressful situation? Are you confused about certain foods or herbs? Do you need some insights regarding a career shift and discovering your Purpose? Then... Ask Dr. Terri K. Email your questions to If you still desire on-going, individualized attention, then try out our one-on-one coaching. For more information, email or call 212.901.6913.
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