| "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -- 1 Corinthians 10:31
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Detoxification is the process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins. A body loaded down with toxins may have a weakened immune system, an over-worked liver, and possibly a dysfunctional colon. Similarly, a mind filled with toxic thoughts may make it difficult for one to focus. Learn how to clear away the physical, mental, emotional and environmental clutter that may be weighing you down, so you can take control of your life.
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| Lighten up your Life! - Tips for a Total Detox
By Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA, RYT, CHHC
Detoxification can refer to many areas of your life. Take some time to lighten up your body, mind, spirit and environment! Here are some thoughts:
- Sanctify your surroundings. Clear away any physical clutter and check your home for environmental toxins. Consider switching to environmentally-friendly products. Make sure you have good ventilation. Open the windows and doors for a few minutes every day. Create a safe and sacred space in which to live.
Clear your mind daily. Meditation allows you to take a break from the constant stream of thoughts flowing through your mind. It can help you harness energy and increase your ability to focus. Incorporate mindfulness into your daily activites. Throughout the day, pause and breathe.
Go for "soups & smoothies" once a week. There are many different types of fasts. One way to give your body a rest while still having energy to work is to focus on soups and smoothies one day a week. In juice form, nutrients are absorbed and utilized with minimal work, and the liquids help carry away the toxins. When choosing soups, select miso or non-dairy, vegetable-based options.
Commit to a news fast once a month. Control your inputs. Every so often, cut off the TV, radio and internet and live in the moment. If your job requires you to watch the media, limit your time to just the headlines and restrain yourself from wandering online. Your psyche will thank you!
Do a seasonal detox. As the seasons change, the needs of your body change as well. Mark the transition from one season to the next with a ceremonial fast. If you take time to give the body a rest, while you think about your goals for the upcoming season, you'll find more clarity and energy. Then, focus on eating foods in season.
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As you give your body a break, try out a refreshing, healing cocktail such as the Cool Ginger drink below.
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Cool Ginger Ingredients: (serves 1)
1/2 cup filtered or distilled water 1 apple, cored, peeled, and sliced 1 lemon, peeled, halved, and seeded 1/2-inch-long piece of peeled, fresh ginger, crushed 1/2 cup ice
Blend together and enjoy!
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Dear Dr. Terri K: A friend has been talking about doing a fast and I may do one as well. How do I get started? How do I choose what kind to do? What do you recommend? Thank you - Pam
Pam: First, congratulations for committing to your health! Here are some simple guidelines to get started:
- Be clear on your intention. Most detoxification diets are designed to reduce your daily toxin intake and work with the body's own defense mechanisms to enhance the natural detoxification process. However, detoxification is a personal experience. Understanding your motivation will help you succeed. Do you want to heal? Do you want to increase energy? Do you want to jump-start your weight loss? Write down your primary motivation.
- Choose what works with your lifestyle. Set an attainable goal. Fasts and detox diets allow you to give the body a rest so it can heal itself. Some are more accessible than others. For example, if you don't think you can live on just lemonade for a few days then "Master Cleanse" fast may not be for you. You may need a detox approach which allows for more substance such as the Seven-Day PWR® Detox. On the other hand, if you have some days to rest, you may focus on a liquid-only fast.
- Check with your doctor. Although a detox diet may offer great benefits, consult your doctor if you are suffering from a chronic disorder or have any hesitation about your ability to undergo a fast. Also note that each person responds differently as the body detoxifies.
- Take time to prepare. You may have all of the best intentions in the world, but if you don't have the tools readily accessible and a very specific game plan then you are likely to be disappointed. You must set yourself up for success. For example, clear the kitchen of temptations, set expectations for those around you, clean your juicer (or locate a nearby juice bar) and shop for what you need for the fast.
- Keep a journal. Since a critical aspect of the process is building self-awareness, it is important to log your progress every day during the program. This will help you self-correct. Journaling is a good way to record the experience and identify any patterns in your thoughts, choices or actions.
- Ease out of the fast. Break the fast with healthy soups. Then, focus on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. If you are not following a vegetarian diet, then you can begin to gradually introduce lean meat, poultry and fish into your diet. Take advantage of your heightened senses. Add foods back one at a time and notice how you feel. Incorporate the learning into your daily routine.
Use the Power of Choice and achieve Purpose With Results®!
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Do you have questions about managing a specific stressful situation? Are you confused about certain foods or herbs? Do you need some insights regarding a career shift and discovering your Purpose? Then... Ask Dr. Terri K. Email your questions to If you still desire on-going, individualized attention, then try out our one-on-one coaching. For more information, email or call 212.901.6913.
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