Call for PWR® Brokers
| "From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied." -- Proverbs 18:20
Remember the first part of The Power Living® Manifesto:
We are moving toward a New World… A world where POWER is not defined by how much control you have over others, but how much control you have over your Self. It's not about how many things you acquire. It's about how many people you inspire.
Read the rest…
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I've met and taught so many amazing people over the last few years that have truly inspired me. Now, I need your help. I want to build an army of PWR® Brokers.
I need you to help me inspire others to live more purposeful and powerful lives. I want them to feel the energy in our community. I want them to see the faces and hear the voices of people who are seeking to be healthier and express their uniqueness – people who are taking control of their lives step-by-step.
I want to show people that we are diverse – women and men of all ages, ethnicities, professions and religions. We are teachers. We are dancers. We are corporate executives. We are entrepreneurs. We are loving moms and dads. We are loving daughters and sons. We are spiritual beings having conscious human experiences. We represent the world – actually the New World.
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If you have ever taken a Ta Yoga™ class, read a Power Living® book, listened to the Power Living®: Mini-Escapes relaxation CD, been touched by one of Terri's talks or articles, joined in one of the after-class chats – then share your voice. It doesn't have to be an eloquent monologue; it just has to be real. It can be serious; it can be fun. Simply offer your testimonial. As an example, you can answer one of the following questions:
| Offer an Audio Testimonial up to 5 minutes.
Call (214) 615-6505 ext 4179
- How has Power Living or Ta Yoga inspired me? For example, "Power Living has inspired me to follow my heart and pursue my dreams. I am taking practical steps to start my own business next year."
- How does Power Living or Ta Yoga make me feel? For example, "Ta Yoga makes me feel energized. I love the deep relaxation at the end. It's like a long meditation. Terri's voice is very soothing!"
- How did I benefit from one of the Power Living products? For example, "The 40 Days to Power Living book helped me to be aware of my own habits. The lifestyle log was hard to keep at first, but was really eye-opening."
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Simply call (214) 615-6505 ext 4179 to offer your audio testimonial of up to 5 minutes. Also, to join our "I AM Power Living!" initiative, please end each audio message with: "I am (your name), and I AM Power Living!" Feel free to use your whole name or first name only.
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Do you have a longer story to share? Do you have words of wisdom from a lesson learned? Sometimes a small change can have a profound effect on your life. Share your story of inspiration or transformation. You may have:
| Share your Story up to 20 minutes.
Call (214) 615-6505 ext 6197
- Lost weight.
- Got in shape.
- Found a new love.
- Left a toxic relationship.
- Adopted healthier habits.
- Become an entrepreneur.
- Increased your self-esteem.
- Taken control of your finances.
- Changed your mental perspective.
- Helped heal or better manage a health disorder.
- Gone back to school to pursue your dream.
- Discovered your favorite yoga pose.
- Developed an attitude of gratitude.
- Felt inner peace for the first time.
- Found your favorite PWR® Food.
- Taken control of your life.
- Taken the first step.
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Simply call (214) 615-6505 ext 6197 to share your story of up to 20 minutes. Also, to join our "I AM Power Living!" initiative, please end each audio message with: "I am (your name), and I AM Power Living!" Feel free to use your whole name or first name only.
| Let people see the face of Power Living®! If you want your face next to your audio testimonal/story, or want to be featured in our online collage of PWR® Brokers, send us a digital picture. Help us show the diversity of our community. Choose your favorite picture - one that represents the essence of YOU! A 2 x 2 format is best; but we'll crop it if necessary for consistency. You can even scan in a picture if it is not in digital form. Email it to, along with the release form below saying we can use it.
With modern technology, it's so easy to share your voice. Just call like you're leaving a voice message. There are easy prompts to guide you. You can listen to your message and even delete it and record a new one. You can call as many times as you like. Remember, to join our "I AM Power Living!" initiative, please end each audio message with: "I am (your name), and I AM Power Living!" Again, feel free to use your whole name or first name only. If you have any questions, email us at
Help us inspire others to live more purposeful and powerful lives!
Download Release Form
Release Form |
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