| "It's a terrible thing to see and have no vision." -- Helen Keller
Tune your Mind to the Positive, the Second Principle of Power Living®, has to do with tuning your mental energy to create positive manifestations, achieve focus and spur inspiration. In the Power Living® Practice, we share various ways to do this, from fundamental reading, meditation and breathing techniques to strategic eating and productivity planning. Another way to support this principle is through affirmations.
Affirmations -- simple statements you repeat to yourself – are a powerful tool for developing a positive frame of mind so you can achieve your goals and ultimate life vision. The power of affirmation is based on the belief that Thought or Consciousness is a dynamic field of energy which projects and draws into your life exactly what you demand of it. Some call it the Law of Cause and Effect. Constant repetition is key. What you continually think about will eventually penetrate the subconscious, become a deep belief, and manifest in your life - whether it is good or bad. Use these affirmations here to help you stay on track.
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| Today, I take action.
I begin in order to win. When an inspiration comes to me, I honor it with action. Instead of "trying," I do. I recognize that good thoughts are no good unless they are executed.
I develop a sense of urgency in my life. I do not put things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. My life is waiting; I just have to go out and get it. Once I make a move, the Universe will back me up.
Today, I take action.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2003.
Learn more in The Power of... ACTION
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I live with boldness.
I do not let fear or doubt hold me back. I live a life of adventure and not regret. I step out in faith, taking action to achieve my vision. Whatever I do, I do it fully.
Today, I live with boldness.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... BOLDNESS
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I make clear choices.
If I do not like what I see, I make a different choice. The seeds of all possibility lie within me. I create my own universe - my own destiny. I do not allow others to put pressure on me to do things I do not want to do. I am in control. I am decisive and keep my mind focused on what I choose so I can get the most out of it.
Today, I make clear choices.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2003.
Learn more in The Power of... CHOICE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, my mental atmosphere attracts the Good.
I understand that my thought energy creates my reality. I condition myself for success by tuning my mind to the positive. I remove all doubt and fear, and instead operate on faith. I believe in the promise of my dreams.
Today, my mental atmosphere attracts the Good.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... CONSCIOUSNESS
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I follow my convictions.
I understand that I have distinct talents to share and my voice needs to be heard. I take a stand for what I believe in. I inspire others to share their gifts and to live up to their potential. I lead by example. I know that my actions demonstrate my character.
Today, I follow my convictions.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... CONVICTION
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I act with diligence.
I understand that I have the power to create prosperity in all areas of my life. The choice is mine. Every day I work on sharpening my tools so I can perform at my personal best. I set reasonable goals and take consistent action. I push past obstacles and learn from unplanned detours. I am devoted to self-less service and unconditional success.
Today, I act with diligence.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... DILIGENCE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I appreciate divine timing.
I recognize the Universe's fingerprints on my affairs. I am thankful for the blessings that occur every day in my life. As I actively await my destiny, I am unconditioned by time and space.
I understand that waiting demands patience, presence, trust, and persistence. Before declaring defeat, I pause and allow God to take over. I believe that no matter what happens all is working for my highest good.
Today, I appreciate divine timing.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2005.
Learn more in The Power of... DIVINE TIMING
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I claim my freedom.
I walk my own path determined by my Creator. I do not allow my thoughts or cultural beliefs to enslave me or block my blessings. I have a divine right to joy. I do not judge myself by others expectations. I am free to be me and use my own mind to express how I feel.
Today, I claim my freedom.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2003.
Learn more in The Power of... FREEDOM
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I say "thank you."
I acknowledge the good that already exists in my life. I understand that if I focus on what I lack, I will never have enough. I realize that I have everything that I need in life to make me happy. I simply need the conscious awareness to appreciate it. I view life as a gift and I enjoy the simple pleasures -- fresh fruit, a smile from a friend, a walk in the park, the sunlight on my shoulders. With a spirit of gratitude, I am enriched manifold, and share this goodness with others.
Today, I say "thank you."
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2003.
Learn more in The Power of... GRATITUDE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I have hope.
My self-worth is not contingent on my current circumstances. I am destined to achieve. I understand that I can charge the engine of hope through the power of choice. I confront my fears with belief and action. I have faith in the promise of a fulfilled life. If my material ground is shaky, I seek a more solid spiritual foundation. I know that hope can change the world. If I see others in darkness, I lend them my light.
Today, I have hope.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2005.
Learn more in The Power of... HOPE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I seek joy.
I celebrate the moments of life. I understand that joy is not necessarily the absence of suffering; it is the presence of the sacred. I open my eyes to see the grace and goodness around me. I take time to pause and play. I cultivate joy every day, in little ways. I smile, laugh, and revel in life itself.
Today, I seek joy.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... JOY
Listen to the Affirmation:
I am determined to succeed.
I refuse to lose. I gear my life toward victory and rise to every challenge. I conquer my fears by facing them head on. I do not let self-doubt paralyze me. I understand that character is built through adversity. If I fall, I get back up. I look at each obstacle as an opportunity to learn and to move me closer to my vision.
I am determined to succeed.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2004.
Learn more in The Power of... PERSEVERANCE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I have an optimistic view on life.
I look for the opportunity in every situation. I accept new ideas and viewpoints. I know that all is working for my Highest Good. I understand that the outside world is based on my thoughts and mental attitude. If I control my mind and frame of reference, I have controlled everything.
Today, I have an optimistic view on life.
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2004.
Learn more in The Power of... PERSPECTIVE
Listen to the Affirmation:
| Today, I say "yes" to life!
When I say "yes," life responds. I have faith in the power of the Universe. I do not make excuses out of fear. I simply have to claim my Good. I battle fear with faith. I honor inspirations through action. I move past the status quo. I seek new experiences and everyday joys. I understand that even if I fall, I will pick up knowledge that stays with me forever.
Today, I say "yes" to life!
© Copyright Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, 2007.
Learn more in The Power of... YES!
Listen to the Affirmation:
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