Tao’s 95th Birthday Party

Tao Porchon-Lynch at her 95th Birthday Bash

THE BUZZ: On Sunday, August 11th, 2013, I attended the 95th Birthday party for yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch. It was held at the Taj Palace Restaurant in White Plains, NY.

Tao’s party has become an annual tradition. So many people who have been touched by Tao’s life come out to celebrate her. We have great food, touching tributes and Tao dances. This year, my family joined me which was an extra treat. I am honored to be co-writing Tao’s biography with my mom, journalist Janie Sykes-Kennedy.

To learn more about Tao and see her in action, check out the following links:

Watch her Power Living interview and her wisdom from the 2011 Newark Peace Education Summit.

Read about and view pictures of Yoga at the Pentagon in The Huffington Post.

Read 7 Steps to Crafting An Amazing Life inspired by Tao in The Huffington Post.

Read 10 Most Fearless Women I’ve Met, including Tao, in The Huffington Post.

Read about Tao being named “Oldest Yoga Teacher” by Guinness World Records and view pictures from the induction reception.

View pictures from the Yoga Journal Conference in New York.

View pictures from Tao’s 94th Birthday party.

Check out Tao’s website for her teaching schedule.

Daniel Kennedy, Sheila Kennedy, Janie Sykes-Kennedy, Tao Porchon-Lynch, Teresa Kennedy

Janie Sykes-Kennedy and Tao Porchon-Lynch

Lori Schulman, Teresa Kennedy, Tao Porchon-Lynch, Jaymie Meyer, Ruth Laudor

Teresa Kennedy, Tao Porchon-Lynch and Jaymie Meyer at Tao's 95th Birthday Bash

Teresa Kennedy, Joanna Rajendran, Natasha Tao
